Bye-Bye WhatsLeft,
Hello What’s Left!

illustration: iphone icon with receipt scanning
January 21st, 2023

Bye-Bye WhatsLeft, Hello What’s Left – correct your grammar please!

You may have noticed it: we have updated our logo on our web site, YouTube channel, Facebook page, and also in our application. Bye-Bye WhatsLeft, hello What’s Left. From now on, we don’t write WhatsLeft in one word. We write it with an apostrophe between the question word “What” and “s” and add a space between “What’s” and “Left”. Why such a change? WhatsApp LLC, belonging to the american web giant META, objected last summer to our brand “WhatsLeft”. We are said to have violated their brand "WhatsApp", since it is also composed of the term “Whats” written in one word, which is specific and a clear caracteristic of their famous messaging application's brand.

As we took note of the objection in last July, we were about to leave TestFlight to launch our app in the AppStore. Everything was ready: the web site, the app & social media. After 6 months of dialogue and negociations WhatsApp/WhatsLeft, we finally decided to go forward and not postpone our App publication. This is why, we have decided to modify the name of our brand in order to launch What's Left in the AppStore with peace of mind. And then, we would be grammatically correct! All joking aside, we are convinced of our concept and place our bet on the content of our application. We are looking forward to the launch and are organizing the last details. Stay tuned!